Design Thinking to AI Thinking

The world of design is undergoing a radical transformation with the advent of AI. Traditionally, we have relied on Design Thinking to solve problems, but it's time to embrace AI Thinking and explore challenges through the lens of computational intelligence. In this talk, I will delve into what AI Thinking entails and highlight key focus areas that are shaping the future of design.

September 18, 2024
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
AI & Emerging Technologies
Alipta Ballav
Alipta Ballav
Sr. Design Manager, Microsoft

Design professional with 25 years of industry experience spanning across B2C and B2B working at the intersection of people, process, product. In my current role, I am leading product design for Microsoft India for the Industry cloud Retail solutions at the Bangalore studio.

How to build a (MLP) Minimum Lovable Product?
Building a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) goes beyond meeting basic functional requirements; it ensures the product delights users and creates a strong emotional connection. In this session, we will focus on tips to build the Minimum Lovable Product.
Sunil Subramanian
Sunil Subramanian
Product Lead, Volvo
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Career Growth & Leadership
Strengthen Your User Research Superpowers to make an impact, influence stakeholders, and be a leader
UX'ers face several challenges, but we all have superpowers, and it's time to strengthen them. In this talk, Kuldeep will provide the 'WHAT,' the 'WHY,' and the 'HOW' to develop and use these superpowers. Kuldeep Kelkar is the author of this new book, 'Strengthen Your User Research Superpowers.' Similar to a deck of cards, Kuldeep will share 52 superpowers across 4 sections: (1) Strengthen Core (2) Nurture Organizational Engagement (3) Demonstrate Leadership (4) Elevate Expertise. Join this talk; it will be insightful and actionable.
Kuldeep Kelkar
Kuldeep Kelkar
Senior Partner, UXReactor
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Groundbreaking Work
Leading with Emotional Intelligence, bridging the two powers
As a seasoned HR leader, I know what challenges corporations face. It never fails; it is all about human capital, their most important asset. This session is about bringing light to the importance of EQ skills (soft skills) to navigate career and leadership challenges in a complex world. Through engaging discussions, practical exercises, and expert insights, you'll discover how emotional intelligence can enhance your leadership persona and overall quality of life.
Elena Sarango-Muniz
Elena Sarango-Muniz
Founder & CEO, Sarango Executive Coaching LLC
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Career Growth & Leadership
Crafting High ROI B2B Analytics Products: Close the Loop from Data to Decision & Action
Most data products are consumed passively—they neither drive joy nor action. Over time, this can lead to user disengagement and churn. So, how do you go from building and selling just another data product to creating one that truly sticks? In this session, we will dive deep into understanding the core motivations, pains, and gains of your users and customers. We’ll explore how to effectively engage, retain, and upsell to them by delivering not only what they want but also what they truly need. The discussion will focus on creating sustainable and profitable strategies that drive significant business value and ROI. Through real-world examples, we’ll uncover best practices for building analytics products that resonate with users while delivering long-term growth and success.
Akash Mukherjee
Akash Mukherjee
VP, Product Management, Chartmetric
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