Don't make the same mistakes as me

In this session I will talk through some of the mistakes I've made throughout my career, and what I've learned from them - to help you avoid them, or gain a new insight into the leadership journey.

September 18, 2024
11:00 pm
12:00 am
Groundbreaking Work
Megan Dell
Megan Dell
Senior Director of UX, Vista

Megan has been in the design industry for close to 20 years. She stumbled upon the field of user experience after being rejected for many graphic design roles because she wanted to create work that was intuitive, rather than just good-looking. She started out her UX career specialising in form design, and has worked for many of Australia’s tech giants over the years. Megan lead the Design and UX Research team at 99designs for 6 years, up until their acquisition where she joined the Vista UX Leadership team as a Senior Director of UX.

Overcoming Setbacks in Your UX Job Search
Rejection is an inevitable part of the job application process, often leaving professionals questioning their skills and losing motivation. In this session, I’ll explore the common challenges and pain points job seekers face and will discuss practical tips for handling initial rejections, turning them into valuable learning opportunities, and strategies to refine and improve your applications for future rounds.
Marzie Nadali
Marzie Nadali
Entrepreneur & UX Coach, MarziUXD
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Career Growth & Leadership
Bouncing Back from Unexpected Change
This webinar is designed to help attendees embrace and navigate through the challenges of unexpected changes such as layoffs and pivots. The session will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance resilience and adaptability in the face of disruption. Key Learning Points: • Understanding Brain Dynamics: Discover how your brain can sabotage your best efforts during times of change and learn strategies to counteract these tendencies. • Maintaining Self-Worth: Gain techniques to uphold your self-worth and confidence, even when faced with significant disruptive changes. • Managing Future Anxiety: Learn effective ways to deal with the anxiety and stress associated with an uncertain and unknowable future. Join us to develop the resilience and mindset needed to turn unexpected challenges into opportunities for growth and success.
Cami Travis-Groves
Cami Travis-Groves
Owner, Camiimac, LLC
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Career Growth & Leadership
How to build a (MLP) Minimum Lovable Product?
Building a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) goes beyond meeting basic functional requirements; it ensures the product delights users and creates a strong emotional connection. In this session, we will focus on tips to build the Minimum Lovable Product.
Sunil Subramanian
Sunil Subramanian
Product Lead, Volvo
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Career Growth & Leadership
Slay the Imposter - Leading with Clarity, Confidence and Power
Every leader, regardless of their experience or achievements, encounters challenges that can momentarily shake their confidence. This session is designed to empower leaders by equipping them with the knowledge and tools to navigate these moments with resilience, transforming them into opportunities for growth rather than struggles. Instead of focusing on perceived limitations, we will explore how understanding imposter syndrome can serve as a powerful catalyst for self-awareness and personal development. Attendees will leave with practical, actionable strategies that not only strengthen their leadership capabilities but also reframe challenges as opportunities for innovation and success. This session is not about admitting weakness; it’s about embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, enabling leaders to steer their teams and themselves with greater clarity, confidence, and power.
Erika Chestnut
Erika Chestnut
CEO & Chief Performance Officer, The Leaders' QA
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Career Growth & Leadership