Getting Your Buy-In: Speaking to Stakeholders & Winning Them Over

Getting buy-in seems like an endless battle. It's especially hard in a wave of re-organizations. Now, more than ever, it's imperative to get buy-in to ship value quickly and get out of our own way to improve experiences. We will discuss how to effectively communicate with key stakeholders, how to apply design thinking and user-centricity outside of Product, and we will apply some UX laws / psychology influence our interactions with budget-owners and our tech peers. What really works and why?

September 19, 2024
6:00 am
7:00 am
Career Growth & Leadership
Kevin Hawkins
Kevin Hawkins
Director, Head of Design & Research, Amenitiz

Kevin Hawkins is a Product Design & Research Director based in Barcelona after living & working across the USA, Europe, and Asia. With over 17 years of experience in product design, UI engineering, and data visualization, he leads multidisciplinary teams of designers, researchers, front-end engineers, and product marketers to deliver intuitive, high-converting solutions. Previously, Kevin was the Global UX Director at Glovo, Director of Product Design at BookClub, and UX Team Lead at, where he managed award-winning design teams of up to 105, launched innovative products, and scaled customer-centric strategies. He is also a seasoned instructor and global public speaker with courses at GrowthTribe, General Assembly, and Georgetown University. As a gay, Liberian-American, he is passionate about building diverse and inclusive teams, and he enjoys traveling to learn from different cultures.

Land that Design Gig: How to Stand Out from All the Noise
For this BeMore session, Patrick Flaherty will guide you through unlocking your full potential in design. We’ll dive into the essentials—like crafting mission statements that truly connect with employers and clients, and revolutionizing your resume so it stands out in a competitive market. I’ll also show you how to curate a portfolio that highlights your unique talents and build a personal brand that sets you apart. But we won’t stop there. We’ll explore how to create compelling project presentation decks that master visual communication and how to effectively use pre-read documents to navigate client interactions with confidence. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your career, this session is packed with practical insights and tools to help you make a real impact. No prior experience is needed—just bring your passion. Let’s open up a world of new possibilities together so we can Be More than what we are today. Hope to see you there!
Patrick Flaherty
Patrick Flaherty
UI Director, Microsoft
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Groundbreaking Work
From Blueprints to Wireframes: Navigating Design Across Sectors and Unlocking Leadership Buy-In
This session will explore the unique challenges and opportunities that arise when transitioning between different sectors as a designer. Drawing on the speakers experience in corporate, freelance, and startup environments; key insights would be highlighted on how to adapt your design approach to different organizational cultures and business models. The session will also focus on strategies for gaining leadership buy-in, emphasizing the importance of communicating the value of design in driving business outcomes. Whether you're a designer looking to pivot your career or a leader seeking to better integrate design into your company’s strategy, this session will provide actionable takeaways for success.
Canan Colaço
Canan Colaço
Interaction Designer, NOKIA
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Groundbreaking Work
Thriving in the AI Era as a Product Designer
As AI reshapes the tech landscape, product designers face new challenges and opportunities. This session explores how AI is transforming key design processes and the future of our profession. Learn how to leverage AI technologies to create innovative, user-centric designs while adapting to the evolving nature of product design. Join us to discover strategies for thriving in the AI era, turning potential disruptions into opportunities for growth and creativity.
Peter Zhao
Peter Zhao
VP, Product Design, J.P.Morgan
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AI & Emerging Technologies
How hard could it be?
When was the last time you did something that scared you? When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? I have a 'how hard could it be?' outlook to all of life. I truly believe that you can achieve anything you want, you just have to decide you want it. Then put in the work, and get it. Even when you’ve never done it before. I realized that everything I ever dreamed possible for my life, my lifelong dreams, I had already achieved - all by 30. The degree, the house, the relationship, the multiple-six-figure salary, the travel where I wanted, when I wanted… all of it! And then I walked away. You can do hard things. You can achieve anything you want, change anything you want. What's possible for me is possible for anybody - you have to simply have the mindset, determination, and discipline to make it happen. When your life around you no longer aligns with what you want to do, you need the strength and confidence to light your own fuse, blow it up, and get out of comfortable - complacent - normal... and go write that next chapter. You've done hard things before. Hard could the next one be?
Courtney McLaughlin
Courtney McLaughlin
Product Strategy & Business Operations Executive, SMBs & Scaling Startups
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