How hard could it be?

When was the last time you did something that scared you? When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? I have a 'how hard could it be?' outlook to all of life. I truly believe that you can achieve anything you want, you just have to decide you want it. Then put in the work, and get it. Even when you’ve never done it before. I realized that everything I ever dreamed possible for my life, my lifelong dreams, I had already achieved - all by 30. The degree, the house, the relationship, the multiple-six-figure salary, the travel where I wanted, when I wanted… all of it! And then I walked away. You can do hard things. You can achieve anything you want, change anything you want. What's possible for me is possible for anybody - you have to simply have the mindset, determination, and discipline to make it happen. When your life around you no longer aligns with what you want to do, you need the strength and confidence to light your own fuse, blow it up, and get out of comfortable - complacent - normal... and go write that next chapter. You've done hard things before. Hard could the next one be?

September 18, 2024
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
Courtney McLaughlin
Courtney McLaughlin
Product Strategy & Business Operations Executive, SMBs & Scaling Startups

For more than a decade I have delivered digital projects, management strategies, and served as a trusted advisor to founders and executive teams. Specializing in operational business processes and product strategy, I’ve worked with fortune-100 brands in B2B & B2C. My passion is challenging the status quo, asking tough questions, and being unafraid to face hard decisions head on to launch your big ideas.

Large Design Models : the future of frontend development
In today’s digital age, with nearly 2 billion websites, captivating user interfaces (UI)and user experiences (UX) are essential for success. Yet, many businesses struggle to transform great designs into high-quality products, hindered by developer shortages and inefficient workflows. This keynote explores how Large Design Models (LDMs) can revolutionize frontend development, empowering teams to streamline the design-to-code process, enhance productivity, and drive better results. Learn how LDMs and LLMs together can help bridge the gap, improving time-to-market and delivering superior UI/UX at scale.
Honey Mittal
Honey Mittal
Cofounder & CEO,
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Groundbreaking Work
Embracing Vulnerability: Unlocking Authentic Leadership
In a world that often equates leadership with strength and invulnerability, embracing vulnerability can be a powerful tool for fostering genuine connections, inspiring innovation, and building resilient teams. This session will explore how vulnerability, often seen as a weakness, can be transformed into a leadership superpower. We’ll delve into real-world examples, cutting-edge research, and personal stories that illustrate the profound impact of leading with authenticity. Participants will leave with actionable insights on how to cultivate an environment where openness and courage thrive, empowering them to lead with heart and truly inspire those around them. Join me in discovering how vulnerability is not just a trait but the key to unlocking the full potential of your leadership.
Rajeev Reddy Vishaka
Rajeev Reddy Vishaka
Software Engineering Leader, Coinbase
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Career Growth & Leadership
Leading with Emotional Intelligence, bridging the two powers
As a seasoned HR leader, I know what challenges corporations face. It never fails; it is all about human capital, their most important asset. This session is about bringing light to the importance of EQ skills (soft skills) to navigate career and leadership challenges in a complex world. Through engaging discussions, practical exercises, and expert insights, you'll discover how emotional intelligence can enhance your leadership persona and overall quality of life.
Elena Sarango-Muniz
Elena Sarango-Muniz
Founder & CEO, Sarango Executive Coaching LLC
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Career Growth & Leadership
So, you've decided to become a Data Analyst?
Based on hundreds of meetings with beginners in Data Analytics, I'll try to summarize the main tips I give. What is worth learning? What are the pros and cons of the analytics profession? What do I do all day? I will try to answer these and other questions during the session.
Roman Povzyk
Roman Povzyk
Product Analyst, Bini Games
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Career Growth & Leadership