How Startups Can Drive Growth and Product Innovation with Online Communities

Startups must leverage every tool at their disposal to fuel growth and stay competitive. Online communities offer a unique opportunity for SaaS companies to engage directly with customers, uncover valuable insights, and foster product innovation. Join us to explore how successful startups are using online communities to scale faster, innovate smarter, and build deeper customer relationships. From ideation to feedback loops, we'll dive into actionable strategies to harness the power of community-driven growth. Whether you're a marketer, product manager, or founder, this session will provide you with tangible ways to build and sustain a thriving online community that drives business outcomes. Leverage Online Communities for Growth: Learn how to use communities to increase customer acquisition and retention. Fuel Product Innovation: Understand how customer feedback and real-time discussions can drive product evolution and prioritisation. Build Stronger Customer Relationships: Discover strategies to foster meaningful interactions that create brand advocates. Create Feedback Loops: Learn how to set up continuous feedback systems for agile product development. Engage Communities with Purpose: Explore tactics to build an engaged and active user base that aligns with your product goals.

September 19, 2024
5:00 am
6:00 am
Francisco Opazo
Francisco Opazo
Marketing Lead, ADPList

Community-led Growth Marketer, 14+ years of experience in marketing and community building. Scaling Revenue for Startups for 10+ years!

What moving 3,000 miles away taught me about my life and career
During the pandemic, everyone faced their own challenges, and I was no exception. It became clear to me that I needed to make a change. Over the last few years, I moved from California to Alaska, navigating difficulties with my job, family, and friends. Fast forward a bit, and I found myself rebooting my career, starting a family, and eventually moving back to California. The journey was a whirlwind, but it taught me so much, both professionally and personally, that I'd like to share with you during this talk.
Robert Surrency
Robert Surrency
Staff Product Designer, Provi
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Career Growth & Leadership
Crafting High ROI B2B Analytics Products: Close the Loop from Data to Decision & Action
Most data products are consumed passively—they neither drive joy nor action. Over time, this can lead to user disengagement and churn. So, how do you go from building and selling just another data product to creating one that truly sticks? In this session, we will dive deep into understanding the core motivations, pains, and gains of your users and customers. We’ll explore how to effectively engage, retain, and upsell to them by delivering not only what they want but also what they truly need. The discussion will focus on creating sustainable and profitable strategies that drive significant business value and ROI. Through real-world examples, we’ll uncover best practices for building analytics products that resonate with users while delivering long-term growth and success.
Akash Mukherjee
Akash Mukherjee
VP, Product Management, Chartmetric
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Designing & Delivering Products at the Speed of Change
We've all been there before. We have our processes, methods, and mechanisms in place for how to design and deliver products people love. But what happens when all of that is thrown out the window? When you are asked to deliver in half the time, with a quarter the the team size required, and across 15 different platforms on day one. In this talk, Shawn will discuss what you need to do to survive take-off, a trip around the sun, and bringing everyone together to succeed in designing, developing and launching a global streaming service in record time. He will highlight key pitfalls and important areas to achieve success through adaptive intelligence, quick decisions and trade-offs that keep the customer and the company culture at the center focus.
Shawn Johnson
Shawn Johnson
Founder & President, SocioPunk & Seichō Syndicate
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Groundbreaking Work
Productivity on Steroids - Embrace GenAI NOW!
Ready to level up your productivity? Let's explore together the transformative potential of Generative AI (GenAI) in revolutionizing productivity across various industries. Gain insights into how GenAI can automate, enhance decision-making, and spark innovation. We will look at examples where GenAI has been successfully implemented to streamline operations, reduce costs, and boost efficiency. You'll have practical tips to start using GenAI Chat Bots (and the LLMs behind them) in your own work, unlocking new levels of productivity and giving you a major edge.
Tomasz Boinski
Tomasz Boinski
Managing Partner, TechEdge Developers
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AI & Emerging Technologies