The evolution of the design landscape in the age of AI

A journey through the changing landscape of design in the time of AI. We will look at what AI will do for our industry and how designers can navigate by leveling up and evolving our skillsets. We will see some examples of how we can build AI to work in harmony with design and help us build amazing products in the future.

September 19, 2024
1:00 am
2:00 am
AI & Emerging Technologies
Mohammed Abdoolcarim
Mohammed Abdoolcarim
Founder, CEO, DesignPro

I grew up in Hong Kong and am a graduate of the Stanford I was a PM at Google before becoming the founding PM at Siri where I led the product to launch on the iPhone 4S. I am now building the Grammarly for design using AI and helping lower the floor to design so more people can participate and create effective designs and products.

Data Governance automation with AI and XAI
Join us for a deep dive into the transformative power of AI and Explainable AI (XAI) in revolutionizing data governance. Discover how these technologies can automate data quality improvement, enhance security and privacy, and ensure ethical and responsible AI usage. Learn about real-world applications and best practices for implementing AI-driven data governance solutions. Key takeaways: Understand the benefits of AI and XAI in data governance automation. Explore specific use cases and applications of AI and XAI. Learn about the challenges and best practices for implementing AI-driven data governance solutions. Gain insights into the future of AI and XAI in data governance. This session is designed for Business owners, entrepreneurs, data governance professionals, and anyone interested in leveraging AI to improve data management and decision-making.
Rajashree Ambhore
Rajashree Ambhore
Vice President, Bank of New York
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AI & Emerging Technologies
Levelling up as a Designer
We are always looking forward to levelling up in our field. This session will focus on how a designer level up from all aspects- practical skills, soft skills, exploration and more. As a Multidisciplinary Designer I have found certain patterns in my journey, that has helped me gain more knowledge and confidence in levelling up and working with big brands.
Maitreyee Kalaskar
Maitreyee Kalaskar
Founder & Multi-Disciplinary Designer, Mee Studios
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Unlocking AI: Myths, Facts & First Steps
In “Unlocking AI: Myths, Facts & First Steps” we'll explore AI's significance and everyday impact, from smartphones to smart assistants. We'll discuss AI's role in enhancing business operations and decision-making, debunk common myths, and provide practical steps for individuals and businesses to begin their AI journey. Join us to uncover the true potential of AI and how to harness it effectively.
Daniel Simon
Daniel Simon
Co-Founder, Human AI Experience
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AI & Emerging Technologies
How hard could it be?
When was the last time you did something that scared you? When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? I have a 'how hard could it be?' outlook to all of life. I truly believe that you can achieve anything you want, you just have to decide you want it. Then put in the work, and get it. Even when you’ve never done it before. I realized that everything I ever dreamed possible for my life, my lifelong dreams, I had already achieved - all by 30. The degree, the house, the relationship, the multiple-six-figure salary, the travel where I wanted, when I wanted… all of it! And then I walked away. You can do hard things. You can achieve anything you want, change anything you want. What's possible for me is possible for anybody - you have to simply have the mindset, determination, and discipline to make it happen. When your life around you no longer aligns with what you want to do, you need the strength and confidence to light your own fuse, blow it up, and get out of comfortable - complacent - normal... and go write that next chapter. You've done hard things before. Hard could the next one be?
Courtney McLaughlin
Courtney McLaughlin
Product Strategy & Business Operations Executive, SMBs & Scaling Startups
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