Cultural Intelligence in Design: Understanding Global Audiences

This session offers a unique perspective on designing for a global audience by bridging the gap between cultural intelligence and user-centric design. We'll delve into the specific challenges and opportunities of designing for the next billion users, emphasizing the importance of understanding cultural nuances and adapting design strategies accordingly. Through real-world examples, case studies, and expert insights, we'll provide actionable takeaways for designers to create inclusive and impactful solutions that resonate with diverse cultures worldwide.

September 18, 2024
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Groundbreaking Work
Shivam Gupta
Shivam Gupta
User Experience Designer, Google

Hi, I'm Shivam (She-vum), a UX Designer at Google with a passion for creating products that tells stories. I've spent last 5 years designing and 4 years before that as a Developer, building award-winning apps and leading impactful products. I'm driven by the belief that great design can empower people and make their lives better!

Phoebe Yu
Phoebe Yu
UX Designer, Visa

I'm Phoebe, a UX designer with a degree in cognitive science. Besides solving problems through evidence-based design, I explore the culture, psychology, and design of tech things on YouTube ( Join me on this quest to figure out how humans use psychology to design products and why today's tech design matters to you.

What moving 3,000 miles away taught me about my life and career
During the pandemic, everyone faced their own challenges, and I was no exception. It became clear to me that I needed to make a change. Over the last few years, I moved from California to Alaska, navigating difficulties with my job, family, and friends. Fast forward a bit, and I found myself rebooting my career, starting a family, and eventually moving back to California. The journey was a whirlwind, but it taught me so much, both professionally and personally, that I'd like to share with you during this talk.
Robert Surrency
Robert Surrency
Staff Product Designer, Provi
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Career Growth & Leadership
Product-Led Growth
In this interactive session, we'll dive into the core principles of Product-Led Growth (PLG) and explore how successful products leverage network effects and key product loops to drive exponential user growth and retention. We'll discuss how PLG shifts the traditional marketing-driven growth strategies to a product-first approach, where the product itself is the main driver of acquisition, expansion, and retention. By the end of this session, participants will have a solid understanding of how to apply PLG strategies in their own products, harnessing network effects and designing effective product loops to drive sustainable growth.
Akhil Sharma
Akhil Sharma
Director Product Management, Razorpay
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Career Growth & Leadership
Making a Career in Video Games: Navigating the Path from Passion to Profession
Explore the exciting world of video game careers, from game design and programming to art and production. This talk will guide you through the essential skills, educational paths, and industry insights needed to break into and thrive in the video game industry. Discover tips on building a standout portfolio, networking effectively, and staying current with industry trends to turn your passion for gaming into a rewarding profession.
Amit Gupta
Amit Gupta
Software Engineering Manager, Electronic Arts - EA Sports
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Career Growth & Leadership
How did I get here? From Criminology to McDonald's to Uber Eats and Beyond
How did a criminology and criminal law graduate end up the Global Head of Marketing for a fintech brand? Join me on the journey from my studies to working for Uber Eats in Taiwan to where I am now.
Isaac Lai
Isaac Lai
Head of Marketing, ThreeTrader
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Career Growth & Leadership